Roof Vent - system of adjustable roof vents. Available as non-insulated and insulated . Insulated roof vent prevents from condensation of water-vapour in the air-duct. Roof vent with fan is designed for forced air exhaustion from blocks of flats (kitchens, bathroom, garage) and rooms requiring ventilation.
Roof Vent - system it can be installed on tiles, metal tiles, bitumen roofing. A connection pipe, which is matched to the bottom, outer diameter of the roof vent, is used to connect the roof vent with the air duct. Such set allows to install the roof vent vertically through roof slope.

Equipping the roof-vent with bubble level, built-in centrally in the middle of its top, allows an experienced roofer to precisely set the roof-vent vertically single handed.
Roof-vents with built-in level provide numerous advantages such as:
• precise and effortless montage;
• shorter time of montage;
• aesthetic presence of the mounted roof-vent.
BUILT-IN LEVEL- bubble level allows to set the surfaces or straight lines vertically or horizontally without an impact on the aesthetic of the offered product.
Additional value of this system is its aesthetic finishing and PRECISE VERTICAL ALIGNMENT OF THE ROOF-VENT due to the usage of level, which distinguishes us from other producers.
In order to meet our customers' expectations, ROOF-VENT has equipped their roof-vents with new and precise assemblage system. It is an innovative solution on the USA market.
This technology allows an easy and effective leveling of the roof-vent on the roof slope.